Manterol Group has a firm commitment with quality, allowing our clients to rest as well as possible. That is why we know there is nothing like the natural comfort filler, and for good reasons. The isolation that it provides from the cold, its light weight and its heating power makes it a unique solution regarding other types of comforters.
Besides its other features such as lightness, perspiration, simple maintenance and usability, one of the greatest quality of the natural comforter filler is its Filling Power.
But, what does Filling Power mean?
It refers to the comforter’s heating power, a standard measurement to calculate heating insulation.
The Filling Power measures the space that an ounce of feather creates or occupies in cubic inches, when allowed to reach its maximum loft. Filling Power ranges from 1 to 10, 100 or 1000. The higher the filling power, the more quality, fluffiness and warmth.
The best feather comforters on the market usually have a Filling Power of 9 or 10 (900 or 1000). These types of comforters are unique treasures, despite being expensive, as their quality, durability and softness are well worth it.
The feather duvet comes from the neck of the bird, the area which has the greatest heating and isolation power. It is important to look at the details, because it can be mistaken with a regular Nordic filler without a clear origin or power filling.
In this case, Manterol Group is more than a distributor, it also manufacture its feather comforter under the brand Duvedecor.
Duvedecor is a specialist trade mark on the feather comforter sector which guarantees the best quality products.
To achieve the perfect piece of bedclothes, apart from selecting the best feather by classifying them in different categories through air flows, we go through a long selection process: first, the comforter is washed with a bactericide treatment and let to dry at 120º. It is then cooled, dusted, sterilized and disinfected.
How we can spot the difference between regular and quality feather?
The main way to differentiate between the two types of feather is its weight: the lighter it is, the better the quality. The ideal comforter is the one that, with light feather density, is able to offer a great heating and insulation power, in addition to being fluffy and soft.
In Manterol Casa you can find the best quality feather comforter on the market, with a wide range of variety, to offer our clients the suitable solution to their rest and sleep needs.
Or if you need more information about feather comforter, duvets, pillows,…we invite you to visit Duvedecor.