Nowadays we tend to take lots of modern comforts for granted as bed linen. However, people haven’t always had the opportunity to enjoy the soft and gentle of beds and bedlinen. Manterol Casa invites you to discover a short overview of bed linen history.
We must go back more than 3,000 years to the beginning, specifically to the Egyptian age. They started to cultivate flax, the plant that Rashid Sab-Anah used to create the first bed linen in 1.000 AC. Initially, his invention didn’t have the success he expected, because it wasn’t very practical. The linen fabric used was too thick and dry it after washing it used to take a long time.
However, Egyptians continue growing flax for centuries and perfected the cultivation and weaving of the linen fabric.
As time went by Linen bedding spread fast among other different continents and countries. Despite its popularity, cultivating, harvesting and weaving the linen was an arduous task…but all changed early in the 19th century with a new discovery: The Cotton Gin.
With this machine, used for separating cotton seeds from cotton, the work was way more easy and it led to another development: The cotton sheet. This was an era where looms became mechanized, and textile production grew exponentially faster and easier.
Different designs and sizes of the sheets didn’t emerge until the second half of the 21st century.
The advances in the textile production allowed people to used other fabrics for their beds as brocade, silk, percale, satin, falnnel, polyester,…
Nowadays we can find a wide range of fabrics and patterns to adapt our bend linen to our own taste.
The colour is another feature that has with the time. On the beginning the white was the only option, however possibilities are almost endless.
A great example of this unlimited possibilities is our ‘Sheet Section’, where you can find sets of sheets available in all sizes (90-105-135-150-180cm) in a full range of designs, colours and patterns. You can choose between 100% cotton (the perfect choice for summer) and 50% cotton-polyester (ideal to the rest of the year).